United Kingdom

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Jason Parker

Jason Parker

Jason Parker MA, FCA


Jason Parker is the UK Senior Partner of Parker Russell UK specialising in audit and assurance and is also president and CEO of Parker Russell International, responsible for the management of the Owner-Managed Businesses (OMB) activity within Parker Russell UK and some of the other Parker Russell firms outside the UK where Jason Parker is authorised to undertake statutory audit.

Jason is based in the London office and continues to be actively involved with key clients. Jason is the founding partner of Parker Russell UK and Parker Russell International. He trained with a medium sized firm in the city. He provides commercial, strategic and accounting advice to a portfolio of small and medium sized businesses, larger private companies and enterprises with international connections.

Jason has carried out audits of financial statements prepared under IFRS and UK GAAP, and also has experience of working with a number of financial institution such as bank and investment companies. Jason is also actively involved in all areas of business development. Qualifications • FCA – Fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales • MA – Master in Accounting and Financial Management from University of Essex


  • Providing a full range of audit and assurance services to OMB and large private companies, many with overseas operations
  • Co-ordinating a range of services to a number of businesses where he is the lead contact, in a variety of sectors
  • IFRS
  • Forensic audit and due diligence
  • Share valuation

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